My Brady Boo is 3 today(sniff, sniff). Where does the time go? I remember the day this precious little bundle of crazy came into my life. My pregnancy with Brady was chugging along just fine, she was due January 26, 2008. Then I went in for my last ultrasound at about 36 weeks to check her position and take one last look and we were going to see her on the 3D 4D Ultrasound.
Well, that ultrasound didn't go as planned. Before I knew it, I was being scheduled to see a Perineonatologist (special baby doctor) for Polyhydramnios (too much fluid surrounding the baby). My OB gave us some basic information on this condition, that it can cause anything from chromosomal abnormalities to still birth. My husband and I were shocked! How could this happen?? The Dr. also went on to say that 85% of these cases are benign. Ok, so that made me feel better, NOT!
The next day, my husband and I were off to see the specialist for a more in depth ultrasound and some blood work. The specialist said everything looked fine and I was probably just one of those 85%, PTL!!
We decided to induce labor as soon as the lungs were mature and not mess around anymore. That sounded good to me. It cracked me up when the OB broke my water to start the induction, it was Niagara Falls. I probably could of filled most of a 5 gallon bucket, I had 3 times the amount of fluid of a normal pregnancy!! Then they tried to put a scalp lead on Brady in utero just to be on the safe side. She moved around so much, the thing fell off three times.
Finally, after all that, she made her appearance at 12:34 pm on Monday, January 7, 2008. Weighing in a 6lbs 13 oz. (my smallest baby) with tons of dark hair.
Then 10 days later she was badly jaundice and we were back at the hospital with all the lights and foot pokes for 24 hours.
Well, she is a feisty, crazy, creative and strong willed little gal. I love her to death and she brings so much laughter to our family. God has truly blessed us with our Brady.
She is my little angel, with a devil side :)
My beautiful baby, Happy 3rd Birthday!!
On another note in regards to birthdays. Budgets are tight and times are tough, so here was my answer to a pretty generous birthday gift for my little princess.
My total spent for all these gifts = $16.00
Princess scooter = $3 Mom to Mom sale
Princess Folding Chair = $3 garage sale
Dora Backpack = $1 brand new garage sale (tags still on)
Princess Tea Set Fisher Price = $1 garage sale
Strawberry Shortcake DVD = $3.99 Target sale
Plate and cup = $2 Target dollar bins
Princess Tiana socks = $1 Target dollar bins
Princess sucker ring pops = $1 Target dollar bins
Everything cleaned up beautifully and at this age they are happy to get a box. Just goes to show you to shop the garage sales and save for those occasions. I am sure she will love it all.
God Bless
Blog Hopping too:
If you want to check over at under well heck here's the link!
I'm on a tight budget and Little Girl wants a Kai-Lan party... well lets see how that goes!
The Coupon Posse is so glad you stopped by and visited our blog today! We are following you back! Way to go on the Frugal B-day party!! LOVE IT!
The Coupon Posse
Thanks for the award CB! :)
Thanks for the follow and I am following you back. She is adorable! Great Blog!
Such a cutie pie! Happy Birthday to Brady!
Those birthday deals are great! You are a much better planner than daughter's bday is in jan and if i bought items at garage sales during the summer I'd probably put them up for safe keeping til jan then forget where I hid them at! Kudos to you though b/c being frugal is very rewarding. Stopping by from todays parade I'd love to have you over at undeservingrace
She is a miracle, and beautiful also! Happy Birthday!
Hi! Following your blog from Social Parade. Would greatly appreciate the follow back. Have a great weekend!
Just wanted to say it's neat to see someone else who shops the garage sales and mom sales for birthday gifts (and Christmas gifts as well :-) -- we're on such a tight budget that this makes a big difference for us.
And I hope your beautiful daughter had a wonderful birthday!!
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