So, I must have had a bit of energy this evening, cuz I felt like cooking/baking. I found out I received a free Red Box Code today so, on my way out I came across a little recipe book from some grocery store?? for Hummus (yummy). Figured out what I needed and decided to pick them up while getting the Red Box. As I was searching in the cabinet for the extra can of garbanzo beans I forgot to buy at the store (dah), I came across a can of Solo Poppy Seed filling. Ding! Hubby found the garbanzo beans, score!! Made some killer hummus and bought some pita bread to go with. Abbi and I ate it up (nobody else likes it). Until we gave some to Cullen, He likes it! He Likes It!!
I digress. There was not enough sour cream for my cake tonight, but the hubbs was nice enough to get more. How kind?? Did I tell you this is his favorite and I only make it at Christmas. It felt a little like Christmas today, he he. Did you know that Christmas is less than 6 months away?? Just thought I would tell ya.
I must have had too much sugar today :0. Had a nice night watching Gnomeo and Juliet with the kiddos, cute movie. Now, I am off to bed to brave another day at work (blah). Happy Tuesday (almost) everyone.
God Bless.
6 months....
Count down to Christmas 2011
... only 181 Days, 2 Hours, 21 Minutes, and 54 Seconds!Shopping Days Left ...

1 comment:
Love hummus, love poppy seed bundt cake, and love Gnomeo! We just bought it. Sounds like an amazing day :)
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