Waiting for his xray. He hated being in this wheelchair and could not sit still.
Getting his ankle xrayed.
Thinking this xray thingy was pretty cool.
Lining it up.
Maxing and relaxing.
Holding his leg in place, he was very fidgety.
PTL!! Nothing was broke. Just a bad sprain. They wrapped it up and sent us on our way. Now, to keep him on the couch without hopping, jumping or running. Yeah right.
By the way, I work in the same building as the Urgent Care, so it was like going to work on Sunday. Blah. But, at least he is fine and resting on the couch.
Never a dull moment.

I'm glad it wasn't hurt any worse!
And good luck keeping a boy still! Hope he heals quickly!
hope he gets better soon
Thank goodness nothing was broken. Looks like he enjoyed his x-ray. Now if he would just enjoy his time on the couch--good luck! Hopefully, he heals quickly. :)
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