I recently received this awesome award from Dona over at Allergy Kid Mom. Thank you so much for this award. Dona has a blog dedicated to the education of food allergies. She also reviews some cool products, so head over their and check out her blog. Thanks again Dona and have a great day. God Bless.
Here are the rules:
1. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
2. List who gave the award to you and use a link to her blog (or hyperlink).
3. List 10 things that make you happy.
4. Pass the award on to other bloggers and visit their blog to let them know about the award.
10 Things that Make Me Happy
1. God
2. My Husband, John
3. My beautiful children: Abbi, Shane, Brady, and Cullen
4. Mom to Mom Sales
5. Really good friends
6. Being outdoors hiking, biking, rollerblading or just enjoying nature
7. New recipes
8. Large Diet Coke from McDonald's
9. Comments from followers on my blog
10. Days off of work or leaving work early
Here are some deserving blogs I am passing this award to:
1. Finding Joy in My Kitchen
2. Life As Mom
3. Heavenly Homemakers
4. Recipe Shoebox
5. Olive Tree
Thank you for your sweet comment and the award! : ) I appreciate it.
Thanks for the award! You made my day!
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