Today was Trunk or Treat at our church. My friend decorated her trunk as a boat and her husband was the fisherman. People kept asking what he caught?? So far he caught a pink butterfly, black cat and darth vader.

Three of my crew: Shane, Brady and Abbi.

Cullen and his pumpkins.

Cullen as Tigger, chillin' in the car.

Playing around with the camera again.

This time he caught a dragon!!

Brady and her pumpkins.

Messing with the camera.

My pink girls with many leaves.

Southern Belle, Abbi.
It was a fun time, a little chilly but no rain. Kids got a lot of candy and we got to see a lot of cute kids dressed up for Halloween.
Looks like BIG fun!!!!
Happy Halloween. Here from the bloghop. I follow you, If you don't already, please follow back
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