Kathi at A Mother's Prayers gave me this Beautiful Blogger Award. Thank You!!!
* The rules for accepting this award:
1. Post a thank you, and link to the person that has given you the award.
2. Pass this award on to other Beautiful Bloggers whom you think are fantastic.
3. Contact said blogs to let them know they've won.
4. State seven things about yourself.
** 7 Things About Me :
1. I love when my daughter, Abbi plays with my hair. I try to bribe her with monetary means so she will do it more often.
2. I love to do anything outside!! I love to hike, bike, roller blade, cross country ski, snowshoe and stroll around the beach.
3. I am addicted to MOM to MOM sales!! I love a good deal!
4. I hope someday to be a stay-at-home mom and possibly homeschool my children!! I keep praying, it is all in God's timing!
5. I live in a 900 sq foot house with only one bathroom!! There is six of us, and oh yah and only two bedrooms (but one in the basement)!!
6. I have donated my hair twice to Pantene Beautiful Lengths for women with cancer. I am growing it out again for another donation, hopefully soon!!
7. I recently discovered a love of cooking. I love finding new recipes and trying them out!
These are my picks for the Beautiful Blogger Award:
Sarah at Beautiful 2 God
Crystal at Money Saving Mom
Lindsey at Frugalicious Living
Danielle at Finally Finding Me...I Think
Maria at My Frugal...Healthy Kitchen
Monica at The Homespun Heart
Mountain Mama at Many Blessings
Thank you to all of you! You make my day special