Monday, March 1, 2010

Spring Cleaning Uggghhh! It Must Be Done!

Well, two of my fellow bloggers found an awesome blog that is encouraging us to start Spring Cleaning early so we can be done by May. She came up with this awesome idea to tackle it week by week so we are done by Spring and not stuck inside cleaning when it is nice out. Great idea right?? So, I took a few picutres of my entry way because that is this week's area to concentrate on. Here is the ugly truth in pictures, it isn't pretty, so be aware!! I better get crack a lackin' on some cleaning up in the entry way. So join us and tell your friends and lets band together so we can be out and about by Spring!! Whooo Hooo!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is really a great idea Shelley!

I think that is something that can be accomplished with the minimum of fuss.

